
Macworld On Twitter: Researcher Finds Skype 5 For Mac

A security consultant has notified Skype of a cross-site scripting flaw that could be used to change the password on someone's account, according to details posted online. Skype said it would issue a fix next week. The consultant, Levent Kayan, based in Berlin, on Wednesday and notified Skype a day later. He said on Friday he hasn't heard a response yet. The problem lies in a field where a person can input their mobile phone number. Kayan wrote that a malicious user can insert JavaScript into the mobile phone field of their profile.

Further reading: When one of their contacts comes online, the malicious user's profile will be updated, and the JavaScript will be executed when the other contact logs in. Kayan wrote that the other person's session could be hijacked, and it may be possible to gain control of that person's computer. An attacker could also change the password on someone's account. There are some mitigating factors, such as that the attacker and victim must be friends on Skype.

Also, the attack may not immediately execute when the victim logs in. Kayan said he noticed the behavior happened only after the victim logged in several times. But he said in an e-mail that once it happens the first time, 'it happens with each re-login.' Skype should be checking the input into the mobile phone field and validating that it is indeed a phone number and not executable code. The problem affects the latest version of Skype,, on Windows XP, Vista and 7 as well as Mac OS X operating system.

Macworld On Twitter: Researcher Finds Skype 5 For Mac Pro

Skype disagreed somewhat with Kayan's description of the issue, characterizing it as minor. 'Essentially it allows for one of your top contacts on Windows to display messages or redirect to websites within the SkypeHome page,' said Adrian Asher, Skype's chief information officer, in a statement. 'In order to exploit this a person would have to be a validated contact of yours and one of the most frequent people you are in contact with, and therefore very unlikely to cause any issues in the real world, however it should not be like this and will be fixed,' he said.

Send news tips and comments to jeremykirk@idg.com.

Advertisement Record your Skype calls. Whether you’re conducing an interview you want to reference later, I recently had the opportunity to become part of a podcast which I’m sure you’ll hear about soon enough - and it's all fairly new ground for me.

As the only one with enough bandwidth. Or just preserving your memories of chatting, sometimes you might want to record a call with Skype. Skype itself does not provide a way to do this, but Mac users can find a variety of tools for the job on the web. How hard is the process to record a call with Skype?

Well, as the old adage goes, you can find a simple, high-quality tool but it won’t be free; you can find a free, simple tool but it won’t be high quality; and you can find a free, high-quality tool, but it won’t be simple. Let’s outline your options. Note: legally, in many jurisdictions, you cannot record a phone call unless the other party is aware they’re being recorded. Where you live matters, but so does the location of the person you’re recording, so know that in most cases it’s simplest to ask permission before you start. Another note: I’m not a lawyer, and my notes do not constitute legal advice. Paid And Dead Simple: Want a zero-fuss solution? Check out Skype Call Recorder from ecamm.com, possibly the best tool for recording Skype conversations on the planet.

This little app adds a Record window to Skype. One notable thing to check is how the program handles video for the multiple callers. Should one person be in the corner, or should the callers be side by side? If you’re interested in video you should check this setting out before you record anything: Put simply, there probably isn’t a better tool out there for recording Skype calls, and this one is only for Mac.

The demo is free for 7 days; the full version costs $30. Free And Fairly Simple: Using Quicktime Want to record a call, but don’t want to pay for the privilege? This is commonly overlooked, but you can do this on your Mac without installing any software at all. Recent versions of QuickTime include a screen recording feature. Just open QuickTime, then click File and you’ll see it. Not sure how to use this tool?

YouTuber Daniel Greene demonstrates this method here, so check it out: Free and Complex: LineIn and More Not digging Quicktime, and not sure you want to pay for an app? Don’t worry: there are many methods to record a call with Skype, and we’ve outlined more than a few in the past. Let’s go over some, shall we?

Longtime MakeUseOf writer Simon outlined using Audio Hijack Pro to record Skype calls back in 2009, and that process still works. The app’s less user friendly than the above, but works great once you figure it out. More recently, Angela These days, almost everyone has a Skype account.

Macworld on twitter researcher finds skype 5 for mac free download

It has quickly become the default communication method for long-distance calls and video chats as it is free and easy to use. Once you're in the habit. Her methods include using, which allows you to record audio from any application on your Mac: If nothing else, it’s the best looking app outlined here.

Macworld On Twitter Researcher Finds Skype 5 For Mac Free Download

My podcast partner James worked out another method, which we briefly used for Technophilia. It involves broadcasting the show to Mixlr, an online radio service, but works for just recording too. You can Now that our little Technophilia Podcast has amassed over 500 weekly listeners (guys, we love you), we’ve been looking for ways to interacts with listeners in real-time while we record live. That’s no easy task., if you’re willing to do some work. And let me know how your online radio show turns out, will you?

Macworld On Twitter Researcher Finds Skype 5 For Mac

Looking for Windows? Did you arrive on this page accidentally, and are now wondering where the Windows tools are? Don’t panic, because there are a few.


I’d first recommend checking out, which These days, almost everyone has a Skype account. It has quickly become the default communication method for long-distance calls and video chats as it is free and easy to use. Once you're in the habit.

It’s free, it’s simple and it works. Alterantively, look into or, two other Windows apps for the job that we’ve gone over before FAQ Q. Which one of these apps should I use? It’s up to you. But if you have $30 – and I’m sure you do – get Call Recorder for Skype.

It just works. I had no idea QuickTime could record the screen! Why didn’t I know that? Great question. There are so many tutorials on the web for recording your Mac screen, and they all involve third-party software. My guess: this is a recent addition to QuickTime, because it’s much easier than many other methods.

That’s not a question, so I’m going to have to shut this thing down. Everyone else can ask whatever they want in the comments below, though, because I love answering them. Explore more about:,.