
Weathering And Erosion

Coastal erosion can have a huge impact on human settlement as well as coastal s. The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, for example, was nearly destroyed by coastal erosion. The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was built on the Outer Banks, a series of s off the coast of the U.S. State of North Carolina, in 1870.

At the time, the was nearly 457 meters (1,500 feet) from the ocean. Over time, the ocean eroded most of the beach near the lighthouse. By 1970, the pounding was just 37 meters (120 feet) away and ed the structure. Many people thought the lighthouse would collapse during a strong storm. Instead, it was moved 880 meters (2,900 feet) inland.

The battering force of ocean waves also erodes seaside s. The action of erosion can create an array of coastal features.

For example, erosion can bore holes that form s. When water breaks through the back of the cave, it can create an arch. The continual pounding of waves can cause the top of the arch to fall, leaving nothing but rock columns called s. The seven remaining sea stacks of Twelve Apostles Marine National Park, in Victoria, Australia, are among the most dramatic and well-known of these features of coastal erosion. Term Part of Speech Definition Encyclopedic Entry accumulation Noun a buildup of something. Adhere Verb to stick to or support.

Aeolian landform Noun geographic feature created by wind. Agricultural development Noun modern farming methods that include mechanical, chemical, engineering and technological methods.

Also called industrial agriculture. Agriculture Noun the art and science of cultivating the land for growing crops (farming) or raising livestock (ranching). Array Noun large group. Atmosphere Noun layers of gases surrounding a planet or other celestial body. Avalanche Noun large mass of snow and other material suddenly and quickly tumbling down a mountain. Bank Noun a slope of land adjoining a body of water, or a large elevated area of the sea floor. Barrier island Noun long, narrow strip of sandy land built up by waves and tides that protects the mainland shore from erosion.

Basin Noun a dip or depression in the surface of the land or ocean floor. Batter Verb to beat and cause damage.

Beach Noun narrow strip of land that lies along a body of water. Bedrock Noun solid rock beneath the Earth's soil and sand. Bioerosion Noun the process in which a living organism wears away at rock or another hard substance. Canyon Noun deep, narrow valley with steep sides. Carbonation Noun absorption of, or reaction with, carbon dioxide.

Carbonic acid Noun chemical produced as carbon dioxide dissolves in water. Cave Noun underground chamber that opens to the surface. Cave entrances can be on land or in water. Chalk Noun a soft mineral.

Also called limestone and calcium carbonate. Channel Noun waterway between two relatively close land masses. Chemical bond Noun attraction between atoms, ions or molecules that enables the formation of chemical compounds. Chemical erosion Noun process of rocks changing their chemical composition as they erode. Chemical reaction Noun process that involves a change in atoms, ions, or molecules of the substances (reagents) involved. Civilization Noun complex way of life that developed as humans began to develop urban settlements. Clastic sediment Noun rock composed of fragments of older rocks that have been transported from their place of origin.

Cliff Noun steep wall of rock, earth, or ice. Climate Noun all weather conditions for a given location over a period of time. Climate change Noun gradual changes in all the interconnected weather elements on our planet. Coastal erosion Noun wearing away of earth or sand on the beach by natural or man-made methods.

Coastline Noun outer boundary of a shore. Crevasse Noun deep crack, especially in a glacier.


Crevice Noun crack in a rock. Crop Noun agricultural produce. Cumulative Adjective growing in quantity or strength. Current Noun steady, predictable flow of fluid within a larger body of that fluid.

Delta Noun the flat, low-lying plain that sometimes forms at the mouth of a river from deposits of sediments. Deposition Noun process of silt and sediment building up in an area. Desert Noun area of land that receives no more than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of precipitation a year. Desert varnish Noun dark, hard layer of yellowish or blackish oxides formed on exposed rock surfaces in windblown, arid regions.

Discrete Adjective individual or distinct. Disintegrate Verb to fall apart and disappear. Dissolve Verb to break up or disintegrate.

Dissolve Verb to break up or disintegrate. Drought Noun period of greatly reduced precipitation. Dry season Noun time of year with little precipitation.

Dune Noun a mound or ridge of loose sand that has been deposited by wind. Dust Noun tiny, dry particles of material solid enough for wind to carry.

Weathering And Erosion For Kids

Dust Bowl Noun (1930-1940) term for the Great Plains of the U.S. And Canada when severe dust storms forced thousands of people off their farms. Dust storm Noun weather pattern of wind blowing dust over large regions of land. Earth Noun soil or dirt. Economic Adjective having to do with money. Ecosystem Noun community and interactions of living and nonliving things in an area.

Endanger Verb to put at risk. Engineer Noun person who plans the building of things, such as structures (construction engineer) or substances (chemical engineer). Erode Verb to wear away.

Erosion Noun act in which earth is worn away, often by water, wind, or ice. Erosion control Noun process of preventing or reducing erosion by wind and water. Farmer Noun person who cultivates land and raises crops. Fertile Adjective able to produce crops or sustain agriculture. Fishery Noun industry or occupation of harvesting fish, either in the wild or through aquaculture. Fjord Noun long, narrow ocean inlet between steep slopes. Floating island Noun a mass of soil and plants torn from a coast.

Flood Noun overflow of a body of water onto land. Flood plain Noun flat area alongside a stream or river that is subject to flooding.

Fluid Noun material that is able to flow and change shape. Forest Noun ecosystem filled with trees and underbrush.

Frequent Adjective often. Frigid Adjective very cold. Gabion Noun wire frame filled with rock. Geological process Noun method by which the Earth changes. Glacial period Noun time of long-term lowering of temperatures on Earth.

Also known as an ice age. Glacier Noun mass of ice that moves slowly over land.

Global warming Noun increase in the average temperature of the Earth's air and oceans. Gouge Noun hand tool with a partly curved blade, used for carving. Groundwater Noun water found in an aquifer. Gully erosion Noun removal of soil along drainage lines by surface water runoff.

Habitat Noun environment where an organism lives throughout the year or for shorter periods of time. Hedgerow Noun line of bushes and trees forming a boundary. Hurricane Noun tropical storm with wind speeds of at least 119 kilometers (74 miles) per hour. Hurricanes are the same thing as typhoons, but usually located in the Atlantic Ocean region. Hydration Noun process of a substance or solution chemically combining with water.

Hydrolysis Noun process in which a compound is split into other compounds by reacting with water. Ice Noun water in its solid form.

Ice age Noun long period of cold climate where glaciers cover large parts of the Earth. The last ice age peaked about 20,000 years ago.

Also called glacial age. Ice sheet Noun thick layer of glacial ice that covers a large area of land.

Indicate Verb to display or show. Inlet Noun small indentation in a shoreline. Island Noun body of land surrounded by water. Landform Noun specific natural feature on the Earth's surface.

Landscape Noun the geographic features of a region. Landslide Noun the fall of rocks, soil, and other materials from a mountain, hill, or slope. Lighthouse Noun structure displaying large, bright lights to warn and help ships navigate coastal waters. Living shoreline Noun method of creating coastal land by using stones and marine grasses to trap soil, sand, and mud. Loess Noun windblown soil or silt. Mass wasting Noun downward movement of rock, soil, and other material.

Mineral Noun inorganic material that has a characteristic chemical composition and specific crystal structure. Moraine Noun material, such as earth, sand, and gravel, transported by a glacier. Natural hazard Noun event in the physical environment that is destructive to human activity. Northern Hemisphere Noun half of the Earth between the North Pole and the Equator.

Nutrient Noun substance an organism needs for energy, growth, and life. Oxidation Noun chemical process of a substance combining with oxygen to change the substance's physical and molecular structure. Permafrost Noun permanently frozen layer of the Earth's surface. Physical erosion Noun process of rocks and earthen materials breaking apart and being transported without changing their chemical composition.

Plow noun, verb tool used for cutting, lifting, and turning the soil in preparation for planting. Polish Verb to make smooth and shiny by rubbing. Precipitation Noun all forms in which water falls to Earth from the atmosphere. Prone Adjective vulnerable or tending to act in a certain way. Rill Noun very small stream. Rill erosion Noun process of soil removal by water running through little streamlets, or headcuts. Riparian buffer Noun area of grass, trees, or shrubs near a river bank.

Rock Noun natural substance composed of solid mineral matter. Runoff Noun overflow of fluid from a farm or industrial factory.

Rust Noun red or orange coating that forms on the surface of iron when it is exposed to oxygen and moisture. Also called iron oxide or ferric oxide. Sand Noun small, loose grains of disintegrated rocks. Sand dune Noun mound of sand created by the wind.

Scandinavia Noun region and name for some countries in Northern Europe: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. Scour Verb to rub harshly, often to polish. Sea level rise Noun increase in the average reach of the ocean. The current sea level rise is 1.8 millimeters (.07 inch) per year.

Sea stack Noun column-shaped rock formation created by waves eroding parts of coastal cliffs. Sediment Noun solid material transported and deposited by water, ice, and wind. Sedimentation Noun process of accumulating small solid deposits. Sheet erosion Noun removal of soil in thin layers by the forces of rain and stream flow. Shelterbelt Noun line of bushes and trees forming a boundary. Shrub Noun type of plant, smaller than a tree but having woody branches.

Snout Noun end of a glacier. Soil Noun top layer of the Earth's surface where plants can grow. Solution Noun substance in which a gas, liquid, or solid is evenly distributed in another medium. Splash erosion Noun soil displacement by the impact of a falling raindrop. Storm Noun severe weather indicating a disturbed state of the atmosphere resulting from uplifted air.

Storm surge Noun abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm. Also called a storm tide. Stream Noun body of flowing fluid. Surf Noun waves as they break on the shore or reef.

Suspend Verb to temporarily stop an activity. Tectonic activity Noun movement of tectonic plates resulting in geologic activity such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Tectonic uplift Noun movement of plates beneath the Earth's surface that causes one part of the landscape to rise higher than the surrounding area. Temperature Noun degree of hotness or coldness measured by a thermometer with a numerical scale. Thermal erosion Noun erosion of permafrost by the combined thermal and mechanical action of moving water. Topography Noun study of the shape of the surface features of an area. Topsoil Noun the most valuable, upper layer of soil, where most nutrients are found.

Typhoon Noun tropical storm with wind speeds of at least 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour. Typhoons are the same thing as hurricanes, but usually located in the Pacific or Indian Ocean region. Valley Noun depression in the Earth between hills. Valley erosion Noun process in which rushing streams and rivers wear away their banks, creating larger and larger valleys. Vegetation Noun all the plant life of a specific place. Velocity Noun measurement of the rate and direction of change in the position of an object. Ventifact Noun rock that has been shaped by wind-driven sand, dust, or ice particles.

Water Noun chemical compound that is necessary for all forms of life. Wave Noun moving swell on the surface of water.

Weathering Noun the breaking down or dissolving of the Earth's surface rocks and minerals. Wetland Noun area of land covered by shallow water or saturated by water. Wind Noun movement of air (from a high pressure zone to a low pressure zone) caused by the uneven heating of the Earth by the sun. Windbreak Noun structure that serves to interrupt an air current or flow of wind.

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Similarities Between Weathering And Erosion

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina gives us a real world example of how the Hydrosphere and Geosphere affect each other in the form of Weathering and Erosion. Think of Weathering as the force that makes a mess and Erosion as the force that cleans it up. This first series is based on 5th grade science. We're super excited and hope you enjoy Crash Course Kids! ///Standards Used in This Video/// 5-ESS2-1. Develop a model using an example to describe ways the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and/or atmosphere interact. Clarification Statement: Examples could include the influence of the ocean on ecosystems, landform shape, and climate; the influence of the atmosphere on landforms and ecosystems through weather and climate; and the influence of mountain ranges on winds and clouds in the atmosphere.

Weathering And Erosion Pictures

The geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere are each a system. Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to the interactions of two systems at a time. Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Crash Course Main Channel: Facebook - Twitter - Tumblr - Credits. Executive Producers: John & Hank Green Producer & Editor: Nicholas Jenkins Cinematographer & Director: Michael Aranda Host: Sabrina Cruz Script Supervisor: Mickie Halpern Writer: Kay Boatner Consultant: Shelby Alinsky Script Editor: Blake de Pastino Thought Cafe Team: Stephanie Bailis Cody Brown Suzanna Brusikiewicz Jonathan Corbiere Nick Counter Kelsey Heinrichs Jack Kenedy Corey MacDonald Tyler Sammy Nikkie Stinchcombe James Tuer Adam Winnik.