
Jual Owc Memory For Mac

Sebelum kita membeli RAM buat MacBook kesayangan, ada baiknya agan2 mengetahui dulu apa yang harus dicari di RAM yang akan agan beli: MENENTUKAN RAM 1. SPEED Beberapa pabrikan RAM menggunakan satuan MHz, namun banyak juga yang menggunakan PCxxxx (xxxx berupa nomor mulai dari 100 s/d 10600) PC 2700 = DDR 333 MHz PC 5300 dan PC 5400 = DDR2 533 MHz - 667 MHz PC 10600 = DDR3 1333 MHz 2. TIPE Ada beberapa tipe RAM, antara lain SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, DDR3, dll Pastikan agan mengetahui type RAM Macbook agan 3. FORMAT Untuk MacBook, pastkan anda membeli RAM dengan format SODIMM (khusus notebook) 4. Jumlah PIN Jumlah PIN mempengaruhi perbedaan fisik RAM itu sendiri, jadi klo Macbook agan pake 200pins, ga akan masuk kalo dipasang 240pins 5. CAS LAtency Ini tidak terlalu penting, krena apabila agan sudah menggunakan tipe dan format yang cocok buat Macbook agan, maka dia akan bekerja normal, walaupun jumlag CAS Latency nya lebih rendah 6.

DUAL CHANNEL Kebanykan Produk Mac (terutama diatas 2008) menggunakan dual channel RAM. Pada beberapa kasus yang jarang ditemui, pemasangan RAM berbeda size (misal: slot A=2GB, slot B=1GB) dapat menyebabkan masalah. Namun pada kebanyakan Macbook, pemasangan RAM berbeda size ini TIDAK MENJADI MASALAH. KUALITAS DAN HARGA Harga RAM MacBook di pasaran memang cukup mencengangkan.

Namun sebenarnya tidak ada yang spesial dari RAM Mac. Apple membeli RAM dari beberapa produsen RAM (Samsung, Hynix, dll) Namun untuk membeli RAM mac, disarankan untuk tidak mencari yang PALING MURAH. Beberapa produk MAc didesain dan dikenal sebagai 'pemilih' dalam penggunaan RAM.

Penggunaan RAM dengan kualitas yang tidak baik akan menyebabkan serangan jantung, impotensi, gangguan kehamilan dan janin. Kualitas yang jelek pada RAM akan menyebabkan aplikasi crash, data corrupt, bahkan logic board damage.!!!! RAM yang WAJIB dibeli adalah yang telah bersertifikasi 'APPLE READY' pada kemasannya. Dengan memberi sertifikasi pada kemasannya, maka produsen RAM tersebut telah bekerja sama dengan pihak Apple untuk pengembangan RAM nya.

Juga TIDAK direkomendasi untuk membeli RAM dengan SPEED yang lebih tinggi dari ketentuan manual book yang disertakan pada MacBook agan. Karena, sebenarnya hal tersebut TIDAK akan membuat Mac agan bekerja lebih cepat (Mac menggunakan setting memory bus speed, bukan RAM module). Bahkan pada beberapa kasus hal tersebut menjadi tidak kompatibel.

Banyak sekali yg menanyakan bagaimana cara memilih RAM buat Mac. Berikut caranya: Buat yang masih bingung kira2 spek RAM mana yang bisa dipakai di MacBook anda, silahkan ikuti langkah berikut. Nah, sekarang anda bisa melihat Spesifikasi Memory anda. Keterangan: Tertulis disitu: 'Memory 16 GB 1067 MHz DDR3' Maksudnya adalah: Mac anda menggunakan Memory dengan kapasitas 16GB dan berjalan pada kecepatan 1067MHz (equivalent dengan PC8500) dan menggunakan tipe DDR3 Setelah mengetahui tipe MacBook dan jenis RAM nya, silahkan browsing cari penjualnya ato dateng langsung ke tokonya Merk Memory Yang sudah ane coba dan terbukti Mac Compatible: 1. OWC - spesialis Mac Memory 2. Crucial (Mac Compatible) 3.


Mushkin (Mac Compatible) 4. Corsair (For Mac) 5. Team (For Mac) 6. VGen (Hanya yg pake chipset Hynix) 7. Kingston (Hanya yg pake chipset Elpida dan Hynix) Untuk merk Vgen dan Kingston itu untung2an gan. Ada yg bisa, ada yg enggak.


Walaupun pake chipset Hynix, ga semua Vgen dan Kington bisa jalan normal di Mac. NOTE: Banyak yg nanya penggunaan Memory 16GB (PC8500) pada Mac saya, itu menggunakan memory merk OWC (hanya OWC yg bisa upgrade memory PC8500 sampai dengan 16GB pada MacBook Pro 2010) Semoga membantu buat agan2 yg mau ganti RAM Mac nya. Quote: Original Posted By advanina Nah, kebetulan juga gan.

Ane baru aja gantiin RAM temen di MBW yg pake ddr2! Max bisa sampe 4gb gan, tapi masing2 slot harus balance. Kmaren mau pasang 3 gb, jadi slot 1 pake 2gb, slot 2 pake 1gb. Hasilnya, lcd blank gan!!!! Jadi mendingan pake balance aja klo buat yg masih ddr2 gan. Klo ddr3 sih beberapa kali pasang ga balance tetep normal2 aja. Diterima masukan dan sarannya gan.

Berarti ane cari yg balance nih. Mungkin mau upgrade ke 2gb dengan masing2 1gb kl gitu.

Sekarang 512+512 rekomen merk untuk DDR2 gan? Muskhin ama kingston? Kl ampe logic board ganti ngeri banget ane.

With, Apple has once again raised the bar on which Macs can install and run the newest version of the Mac OS. But as sometimes has happened in the past, there are workarounds that make it possible to install Sierra on some unsupported Macs.

A huge thank you to Collin Mistr for developing and sharing his. Mistr is a member of, and he’s been sharing this tool ever since he figured out how to install the first public beta of Sierra. Several members of our group have used the tool and shared their results. Apple Requirements for macOS Sierra Your Mac must have at least 2 GB of memory and 8.8 GB of available storage space.

You must also be running or later. (For those still on, you can upgrade to for free and then install macOS Sierra.). or newer.

or newer. or newer. or newer. or newer.

Sacr cur background for mac pro. or newer All Macs introduced in the past six years are supported, as well as the consumer MacBooks and iMacs from late 2009, which are almost 7 years old. The official macOS Sierra installer will refuse to install on anything older. Real Hardware Requirements for macOS Sierra Again, your Mac needs at least 2 GB of RAM and 8 GB of available storage, and you’ll need a USB drive (thumb drive or hard drive) at least 8 GB in size. You will also need a Mac with an or later CPU, since Sierra requires – and older versions of the Core 2 Duo, such as, and older chips (used in the Mac Pro) don’t have it. Mac OS Sierra Patcher Tool for Unsupported Macs supports the followining:. or newer.

or newer. or newer. or newer. or newer.

Where Apple only supports some Late 2009 and Mid 2010 Macs, Mistr’s patch supports all Early 2009 Macs, some Late 2008 Macs, and even some Early 2008 Macs. We have a full list of using using the Unsupported Sierra tag. We will also be updating these profiles with #unsupportedsierra as time permits. You Can Install It, But That’s a lot more low-end support than Apple offers, so what’s the catch? There has been an issue with some of the Apple AirPort hardware in older Macs, but other than that, it’s pretty much clear sailing. The AirPort support depends on which WiFi module your Mac uses.

If it is not the Broadcaom BCM4321, you’re set. Other issues include the trackpad in the 2009 MacBooks and loss of volume control on the Early 2008 iMac. Details below. Unsupported Devices. The Broadcom BCM4321 WiFi module used in many older Macs is not supported. You will need to replace it with a compatible module or use a USB WiFi dongle.

Models that may have this module include:. Early 2008 Mac Pro (MacPro3,1). Early 2009 and Mid 2009 MacBook (MacBook5,2). Early 2008 and Late 2008 MacBook Pro (MacBookPro4,1) but the is supported. Early 2008 iMac (iMac8,1). Early 2009 and Late 2009 Mac mini (Macmini3,1). Late 2008 and Mid 2009 MacBook Air (MacBookAir2,1).

The trackpad in the Early 2009 and Mid 2009 MacBooks is not fully supported. Sierra sees it as a standard mouse; you cannot change the trackpad orientation settings. Some Early 2008 iMacs have an audio issue that will not let you adjust sound volume. Real World macOS Sierra Requirements Memory Sure, you can install and run macOS Sierra on a 2 GB Mac, but you’re not likely to be happy with system performance. You have a couple browsers running or several tabs in one browser, and that amount of memory will really hobble performance.


Heck, I find 3 GB on my 2.0 GHz with barely adequate. Then again, I often have 3-4 browsers running, many open tabs, and some additional apps.

My 2.0 GHz Late 2008 Aluminum MacBook has been running and decently with 4 GB of memory, and that should be adequate for most users. Power users, however, will want at least 8 GB of memory. A Fast Drive Nothing will make your aging Mac seem fast like a Solid State Drive (SSD). Where hard drives are limited in how fast they can read data off a spinning platter, SSDs have no such limitation. Speed is almost completely limited by the speed of the SATA connection in your older Mac. Macs with 1.5 Mbps SATA will seem very fast with an SSD, those with 3.0 Mbps SATA will seem wicked fast, and those with 6.0 Mbps SATA will seem insanely fast. SSDs have become very affordable over the past year.

I have 256 GB and 480 GB SSDs in my Mac mini and MacBook respectively, and they made a world of difference. If you need really high capacity or are on a very tight budget, look into newer 7200 rpm hard drives to replace your older hard drives.

Newer drives tend to be faster and have larger data buffers, which boosts performance. A third option if hybrid hard drives, which are part hard drive and part SSD.

Jual Owc Memory For Mac Download

The drive itself manages which files are on the SSD and which remain on the hard drive platters, much like Apple’s Fusion Drive. I have tried hybrid, and while it was nicer than a straight hard drive, it doesn’t compare with a full fledged SSD. For some users in some applications, though, it might be a perfect mix of hard drive capacity and sometime SSD throughput. In Closing We Mac geeks have had a long history of hacking Mac OS X to run on unsupported hardware – starting with OS X 10.2. The biggest success was probably the, allowing easy installation on Macs with below the official 867 MHz threshold. Collin Mistr’s patch is the same kind of thing for macOS Sierra. If your Mac is not supported by Apple but is by Mistr’s patch, give it a try.

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