
Opennms [opennms-cvs [opennms/opennms 33ad29: Add A

  1. Opennms Opennms-cvs Opennms/opennms 33ad29 Add Al 75h

Opennms Opennms-cvs Opennms/opennms 33ad29 Add Al 75h

Open NMS installation and configurations: This is the OpenNMS monitoring tool It will provide you with the basic steps you need to have a fully-functioning OpenNMS installation. Snmpd.conf holds the configuration settings for SNMP. You can either edit the file directly by modifying /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf configuration utility. Add the following cmd in conf file # cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf rocommunity public This sets the read only community name to public and gives it access After that start the snmp services /etc/init.d/snmpd restart Now that you have correctly configured SNMP, if you type following commandline, you can able see it print out a bunch of information monitoring snmp #snmpwalk -On -v 2c -c public localhost.