
Microsoft Office Home And Sudent 2016 For Mac

We're sort of stuck, aren't we? Apple's Pages and Numbers applications just aren't as robust and customizable—but Office 2016—as I write this three years after its release date—is still buggy and not as full-featured as Office 365 for the Mac. For example, you can't customize toolbars in 2016 like you can in 365. (Microsoft says it's adding customizable toolbars in Office 2019 for the Mac, available this October.) Obviously, Microsoft wants you to be a 'member' and subscribe to 365 (just like Amazon and Costco), so it treats the stand-alone programs as step-children.

I'll probably explore Pages and Numbers once more, although when I've done it in the past, they just didn't have the same feel. Microsoft has a known issue of Office 2016 not activating in Mac. I've spent the past two weeks in a nightmare of trying to get Office activated while each of the techs I contact fail with their supposed 'work around' fix while Microsoft engineers try to fix the problem. Not everyone has this issue, but I'd recommend not getting 2016 Office for Mac if you can avoid it. 80% of what I do on a computer is in Word. If Microsoft can't get their act together and fix it, I'll be both returning the computer and lodging a complaint that I paid for services not rendered (the Office suite that refuses to activate).

9 of 9 people found this useful. I downloaded Office for Mac Home & Student 2016.

I upgraded from Office 2011 for Mac and decided that I could do with the 64 bit application. It runs alright and seems faster and smoother.

However, I cannot record a Macro to open two fave spreadsheets. These macros worked on Office 2011. I can record a Macro to open a New blank spreadsheet but not the ones I have created. I can also create a Macro to resize columns in excel, so that works but then I cannot save the macro in the Quick Access Toolbar with the name I want. Some of my research seems to indicate that if you have your stuff on OneDrive then it works, but I do not want that.

Microsoft Office Home And Student 2016 For Mac Free Download

I have found lots of 'would be answers' that don't fix the problem. Some have suggested there is an Apple Sandbox 'thing' interfering with Office doing its job. I can make this work and Pin my files to the Recent Files used option and that is a work around.

The one good thing about this: that is a hard learning experience for me is: I first started using Microsoft Office in 1996 and at the end of the day. There may be more functionality but a word processor is still a word processor. Microsoft are great with the icons and buttons to just 'one press' does something rather then Control +? At the end of all this I will not be in a hurry to ever update to the latest again. I spoke with Microsoft support about this; I have wasted enough of my own time on this and really need to move on. My advice = go to a store where a iMac/MacBook??

Has the latest version of Office installed and try some of the functions that your current version can do, before buying. I am on Version 16.15 (180709) as I post this and tried the update before posting. 14 of 15 people found this useful. I work as a developer and occasionally have to work in spreadsheets for work.this garbage excuse for a program consistently crashes during copy and paste functions on the same computer that I use for all of my development.

Every sheet I get now I just upload to Google Drive and use Sheets, a program that is actually capable of handling copy and paste. There is no excuse for this type of program from a major corporation and anyone who has paid for this product is being swindled 9 of 9 people found this useful. Microsoft Excel on the Mac is a disaster.

It is far worse than earlier versions. If you filter anything, it provides you with a mini-page with check boxes to file on/off different rows. The problem is that the checkboxes appear checked when they are not checked and vice/versa. So you spend a ton of time trying to figure out what is going on. This is really just a representative problem. Moving from one highlighted cell to another is slow.

The pivot tables are really cumbersome now. Sometimes part of the screen shows different rows from other parts of the screen. I would recommend trying to buy an old copy of an earlier excel version and just use that. Under no circumstances use the new version. I also think we all should unite to avoid paying Microsoft any money for this junk. 7 of 8 people found this useful.

Despite the claims, using MS Office is not like working on a Mac. Take one example, MS Powerpoint claims to have caught up with Keynote's 'Magic Move' with the introduction of the 'Morph' transition. I wouldn't know, because this isn't even available on the Home and Student version. What raised my blood pressure the most about this product was that they sent a box through the post in a diesel van, full of cardboard packaging and instruction, that contains a number to type into the download. I am totally underwhelmed. 59 of 63 people found this useful. So far, not so good.

I upgraded to the most recent version of office, and already regret the decision. Excel now not only crashes at random, but somehow it has the power to take recovery/backup files with it when it crashes. One wonders if they program these bugs on purpose.

Does it behave better if I pay more money to keep my files on OneDrive? And in Word, it has become even harder to include graphics files, even when generated within the Office product suite (so embedding Excel generated objects in Word just does not really work without going through workarounds.) I am used to Microsoft PowerPoint being incompatible with itself across platforms, but this compatibility problem on the same machine, with an integrated software suite, seems a bit much. But I won't say don't buy it. Probably your colleagues, coauthors, and employer are all locked in to Microsoft, so you will have to buy this, and the next version as well, regardless of the comments you read here. 15 of 15 people found this useful.

I am not sure what is happening between AAPL and MSFT. I have never seen a product for Mac that is so horrible as Excel and Word for Mac. If anyone is trying to switch to mac and plan to use a lot of MS products, hold off! You will do yourself a favor. None of the features work properly and the worst part is that Excel keeps freezing every other hour.

It comes with all kinds of weird messages like 'cannot be saved'. Do you want to know even worse than this? It is not that just Excel freezes, but the entire Macbook freezes:(. I thought I was finally over the torture of having to deal with all the stupid freezing that used to happen frequently in Windows machines. But now they have exported this to Mac as well.

Microsoft is the most incompetent company in its size and they are living off of their old glory. But Apple is no better either! After so many years, they still don't have a product that can compete viably with MS. Their Numbers are pathetic.

They should have come outright and say that they won't support MS products unless it meets basic standards. Jobs would have done that. Now we have a bean counter at the helm, so I guess that is what we should expect. Best thing to do is to learn Python and Tableau and totally get out of Excel like products from MS. There are so many problems in Excel that I won't have enough space to post it all. But rest assured that It is going to be a nightmare for those who rely heavily on Excel and other MS products for Mac.

I have seen many people posting similar sentiments for a while now but nothing has improved. The hubris of these giant tech companies are palpable.

Most new products from all these companies are worse than they were a few years ago. There is no innovation and it has only devolved into productivity nightmare for users.


17 of 17 people found this useful. Dl testng (6.12 1 for mac. Office 2016 H&S version has a bit of lag overall compared to previous version (2011 H&S), especially when scrolling to a new page there is a delay before text appears. I'm using the new program on a one year old MacBook Pro. I've been using Office 2016 H&S for only a few hours and found that the Ribbon can no longer be customized like it could in the previous version. A lost feature.

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Microsoft Office Home And Student 2016 For Mac- Lifetime- 1 User

Also, word or excel pages do not always open to the same size as when it was closed, which apparently is a bug that has not been fixed since first introduced in 2016. The new program is about 5 times bigger than previous 2011 version, which likely explains the slight lag. Too bad Office 2011 H&S is not being supported any longer, since it was quicker, compact in size, more customizable, and had no bugs. Seems like a step backwards, but usable. 12 of 12 people found this useful.